Course Contents
- Review of the specifications of the benchmark motors
- Review of the two-axis model of the induction motor
- Dynamic simulation using Simplorer & Maxwell
- Dynamic simulation using MATLAB
- Common aspects in all electric motor drives
- Control of DC motor as an example
- Single-phase inverter topics
- Three-phase inverter topics (SPWM, SVPWM)
- Getting started with STM32CubeMX & IDE
- Built-in timers in STM32xx
- SPWM waveform generation in MATLAB
- Dynamic simulation considering SPWM
- Open-loop V/F control of the motor
- Simulation of open-loop V/F control
- Three-phase inverter design in Simplorer
- PCB design in KiCad
- PCB Prototyping
- GUI development with python
- Open-loop V/F control tests
- Working with encoders
- Closed-loop V/F control
- Closed-loop V/F control tests
- Open loop vector control
- Closed loop vector control
- Vector control tests
- Sensor less vector control
- Course conclusion