EMDLAB & Excel
emdlab_excel.m is a MATLAB object developed for reading of an excel file. This object is developed for coupling of excel to ANSYS Maxwell software. You can download the source code of the latest version from below link.
emdlab_excel.mEMDLAB & ANSYS Maxwell
emdlab_maxwell.m is a MATLAB object that is developed for coupling of an excel file or a MATLAB GUI to ANSYS maxwell software. emdlab_maxwell.m has many subroutines that makes easy generation of machine model in ANSYS Maxwell software. You can download the source code of the latest version from below link.
emdlab_maxwell.mEMDLAB & MagNet
emdlab_magnet.m is a MATLAB object that is developed for coupling of an excel file or a MATLAB GUI to MagNet software. emdlab_magnet.m has many subroutines that makes easy generation of machine model in MagNetsoftware. You can download the source code of the latest version from below link.