Design engineer, computational software developer.
Special Skills:
- Electrical Machines Design, *** [ANSYS Maxwell] & [Excel] & [Infolytical MagNet] & [FLUX] & [MATLAB] & [Expert in Scripting] & [Python] ***
- Electric Motors Drive & Control
- Power Electronics (Power Supplies, Converters)
- Design of Electromagnetic Equipment
- Numerical Methods in Electromagnetic
- Embedded programming on STM32 microcontrollers
General Skills:
- Dynamical Systems (Design, Analysis Control, Simulation, and Validation of Systems)
- Expert in PDEs and ODEs
- Finite Element Solver Developer
- Numerical Optimization
- Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering
- Expert in FE program development for PDEs of different disciplines such as electromagnetic, thermal analysis, solid mechanics, and fluid mechanics
- Computational software developer, stand-alone and under the web